Between gay sex shops and bars, this gallery has been aimed specifically at men who like to see men since the beginning of September. Well-known artists such as Jürgen Wittdorf, Henning von Berg, Frank Lorenz, Markus Hoffmann-Aschenbach and Andreas Fux are represented, as are newcomers and career changers. The large selection of different styles on m2 offers visitors a wide variety of different works and at the same time the opportunity to find something to suit every budget. In the future, small events will also take place where visitors can, for example, come into direct contact with the artists. If desired, Gay Grandpa Pic Galerie will develop a concept and solution for your specific needs - from the idea to implementation, we help with the design of rooms. We rely on a network of curators and artists from across the art world. Here, you can download the latest updates about our exhibitions, artists, and special events. Get inspired and dive into the world of art. Check back regularly to stay up to date! Gay Grandpa Pic GalerieJürgen Wittdorf created the cycle "Youth and Sport" as a commissioned work for the German University of Physical Culture DHfK in Leipzig. At the age of just 32, Jürgen Wittdorf had created a masterpiece. The five pictures were created in large formats as woodcuts and linocuts. The artistic as well as the technical realization is a masterpiece. The political dimension is also interesting: competitive sport was instrumentalized for propaganda purposes in the GDR. Today, the art epoch of socialist realism is a closed chapter in German art history. Another level that the "Youth and Sport" cycle touches on is the situation of gay artists in the GDR at that time. Jürgen Wittdorf could not live an openly homosexual life. Only today is the message in his work obvious. Wittdorf "hid" his position on sexuality in his art. The cultural functionaries did not register the homoerotic impact; for them, Jürgen Wittdorf's athletes were a symbol of the superiority of socialism. Ausbildung im Bereich Grafik bei den Lehrern Kurt Dietze, Alexander Neroslow, Gabriele Meyer-Dennewitz und Johannes Lebek. In den Sommern Arbeits- und Studienaufenthalte mit den Student:innen in der Erzhütte Helbra bei Eisleben und auf den LPGs: Kohlezeichnungen von Arbeitssituationen Gay Grandpa Pic Galerie erste Porträts. Deutschen Kunstausstellung Dresden Akademie der Künste, Pavillon der Kunst, Nationalgalerie, Zentraler Klub der Jugend und Sportler. Der Ort wird zum Sommersitz mehrerer Leipziger Künstler wie G. Schulz, Harry Blume oder Hans Mayer-Foreyt. Weitere kleinere Ausstellungen, u. Motive die ursprünglich als Holzschnitt gedruckt wurden erscheinen als Kunstdruck-Edition. Geburtstag des Künstlers, mit zeitgenössischen Positionen u. Vielen Dank an den Kunstwissenschaftler Dr. Sternweiler für den Lebenslauf von Jürgen Wittdorf. The Youth and Sport cycle comprises several motifs. The original works are exhibited alternately in the Newman Gallery. Opening hours are Mon-Sat. Number of guests.
Recognition and legacy [ edit ]. Deutsche Biographie DDB. Iischer i Oissel, '»rvlh;iix l. A large part of his extensive oeuvre was on display at Schloss Biesdorf in , complemented by contemporary positions by Veneta Androva, Norbert Bisky, Harry Hachmeister and Bettina Semmer. Wolfgang Hütt described Wittdorf as one of the most important graphic artists of his time.
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Today I visited my Grandpa. | 7 PM Program: Short presentations with experts from Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg & Roundtable discussion with the audience. He's suffering from diabetes and they're gonna cut off a toe, or maybe a leg. Available for both RF and RM licensing. Herbert List (7 October – 4 April ) was a German photographer, who worked for magazines, including Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, and Life, and was. Find the perfect gustav von baron stock photo, image, vector, illustration or image. He's gonna have surgery on Tuesday.The five pictures were created in large formats as woodcuts and linocuts. Oxford Art Journal, 24 1 , — Reisebriefe aus Nord-Amerika, etc' Image taken from page 5 of 'An meine Lieben in. Doch sie kann fliehen und wendet sich Hilfe suchend an den ungarischen Baron Stefan. Article Talk. Finsch, O, Otto. Immer up to date, immer wissen was los ist. Filter by agency collections. The large selection of different styles on m2 offers visitors a wide variety of different works and at the same time the opportunity to find something to suit every budget. From today's perspective, his works are more than a contemporary document of the tension between the socially fixed norms of the GDR and his very personal view of this society. Deutschen Kunstausstellung Dresden Iischer i Oissel, '»rvlh;iix l. Group exhibitions [ edit ]. From to , Wittdorf taught at the Leipzig Adult Education Center and worked as an assistant at the Institute for Art Education at the Karl Marx University in Leipzig. What links here Related changes Upload file Special pages Permanent link Page information Cite this page Get shortened URL Download QR code. Photojournalism [ edit ]. WrlHrinia iTvlIinii-eria, HniMl. In , during World War II, he was forced to return to Germany; but because one of his grandparents was Jewish [ 12 ] he was not allowed to publish or work professionally. In the meantime he supported himself with work for magazines Neue Linie , Die Dame and for the press from to , and with portraits which he continued to make until During this time he began taking photographs. Wenn du deine Zustimmung nicht erteilst oder zurückziehst, können bestimmte Merkmale und Funktionen beeinträchtigt werden. Pencil and ink watercolor on the box, Hannibal later became chief military engineer in the Russian Army and was the great-grandfather of the famous writer Alexander Pushkin. Rembrandt; des meisters gemälde in abbildungen. New York: Museum of Modern Art.