Der Wowhead Client ist eine kleine Anwendung, die wir benutzen, um unsere Datenbank aktuell zu halten und um dir einige hübsche Extras auf der Website zu bieten! Also, worauf wartest du noch? Hol dir den Client und leg los. Diese Seite macht ausgiebigen Gebrauch von JavaScript. Bitte aktiviert JavaScript in Eurem Browser. Classic Aussehen Thottbot Aussehen. Each flame begins the aforementioned quests. Kommentar von It wasn't that bad on Horde side doing this either. I just did it on my druid. For both Stormwind and Ironforge it is advised to get to the tram as fast as possible. Dying your way through Ironforge front gates takes a long time. Stormwind was easy when I took the tram. Stormwind you should navigate via the waterway. You shouldn't have too much trouble, plus you can sneak right up and out of sight of the majority of players who are guarding it. I just went from the tram to the nearest water and swam the whole way popping up and taking that flag. Ironforge is straight forward, run and die. It took a lot of times dying to do that. Eventually you get there. I would take the tram and save a lot of deaths that way. There is one or two patrolling guards. They seem to both leave at the same time so it is easy to time it. Darnassus is hard to tell. Sneaking played a big roll in me figuring it out. I snuck on the boat, and then snuck up to the fire. It's outside the town so it should be easy to get to. Hiding beneath the bridge is advisable, but make sure there are no guards walking on it first. Last thing to be noted is that I got exp from each flame I turned in and then another exp from getting the crown. A nice 20k exp benefit is a fairly good motivator for most people. I hope Bonfire Gay Game Ansehen Youtube saves a few people some trouble. Good Luck to you all. Drajoc 55 Druid Sentinals. Kommentar von Do you have to do Exodar too to get the crown? I guess you do, but I want to make sure : EDIT: nvm, i found out; You do have to go to Exodar aswell, of course :p. Kommentar von hey if you die you respawn in the auberdine graveyard ouch! Kommentar von if you want blossoms badly enough you can go to darnassus ROFL. Kommentar von Also note that if you DO happen to die tryin to get the flame that running across the ocean to get Bonfire Gay Game Ansehen Youtube your corpse is a big no no. Kommentar von Wark On non-PvP realms, this flame can be picked up while unflagged, since it's not actually inside Darnassus. The only hard part, then, is making sure a guard doesn't path into you while you do it. The Sundering has done an impressive job of outdating lots of previously reliable knowledge, including this comment. Darnassus' flame has been moved from Ruth'theran Village to the Warrior's Terrace inside the city. No more "freebie" non-flagging flame for the Horde.
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