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Into active dominant guys in black leather, masks/hoods and tall black boots, needs to serve (preferably Black and Asian) Leather Masters (no youngsters!). See a recent post on Tumblr from @joes-stories about muscle buddies. Discover more posts about muscle buddies. A gay guy's Tumblr of hypno masters whom he hopes to one day serve. Sometimes switch for good bois who want to obey, surrender and tribute. they don't even know about thai, japanese, taiwanese, chinese and south korean queer love tv industry thriving.Your best friend, who is the life of the party, is now sipping his drink at the corner. The jazz played low in the background because you asked him to turn it down. Youngbin: -Youngbin was waiting for you on set. Let's get it! The gynecologist was surprised to learn I wanted an IUD because apparently another trans guy just recently told her, very confidently, that he can't get pregnant because T makes you infertile. But Hermes adored him regardless. Dankend lächeltest du ihn an und seine Wangen färbten sich sofort rosa, er konnte schwören das, seine Wangen nicht das einzige waren, die deswegen warm wurden. Is slightly tipsy but seems to be trustworthy, especially thanks to his politeness. He stuttered your name and you just shushed him "You should get in, Binnie" He let you walk him in and resume your hot kiss on his neck while comfortably sitting on his lap. Genre: smut Bonus song rec: Make up, by Sam Kim feat. Your man locked the door while you quickly started to get rid of your sweaty clothes. Maybe you made a point of taking the lead in your father's business only for the sake of meeting him. After such a clear plea, Juho pushed his member inside and you did the job. You already knew he could moan beautifully. Seine Lippen fanden sofort deine, sein Kuss war wild und voller Sehnsucht. He wasn't dumb at all, he was a gorgeous man who did not deserve to suffer. Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes. Jaeyoon: He in fact believes that he might recover faster if he fucks around. Your father- I mean, Mr. You don't think he has any second intention until he strikes a suggestive line after you say you need to go. You still had a finger between your lips and apparently, that pleasured him. You come closer toying with your cleavage and he just pulls you onto his lap, his hands immediately stimulating your hardening buds. You can even close your eyes and give in to the scalp massage he gives you. One more time. Where may I wait for her? Acts all mysterious while the two of you flirt for all to see. Hwiyoung: Youngkyun places you on his lap, none of you are wearing bottoms. He turned around in a flash and pulled you around the corner to press you against the wall. Even when everything you have time to do is a blowjob, you are doing it absolutely naked. That was ride or die, you needed that man. His baby girl looks so pretty wearing a skirt with no panties, especially when you motion him to make room for you to sit. Your back found support on the tiles and you moved your hands up and down Inseong's length as fast as he stimulated your clit. He gives you tits massages without you asking for it but you can surprise him nonetheless. That was more comfortable than it looked.