Die JUNGS are an open youth group for gay, androsexual, bisexual and bi-curious young people aged You can always find the latest information here on our website under the point "Events". Alternatively, you can follow us on one of our social media channels. We normally offer one or two leisure trips per year. We spend a weekend together in a different city. Every Wednesday queer's and friends meet at the diversity bar! There you can get delicious drinks at unbeatable prices! The events, just like our leisure trips, are planned and run by volunteer group leaders also known as "teamers" who describe themselves as gay or bi. You can find out more about our team here. You have questions about sexual orientation or gender identity, need someone to talk to who will take you seriously and listen Gay Boys Junge Buben you? Then get in Kontakt with our social pedagogues. They will be happy to advise you by e-mail, telephone 55 or in a personal meeting. The counseling is free of charge and the counselors are bound to secrecy. This means that no data or information about you will be passed on to third parties. JuLes Für lesbische, bisexuelle und neugierige Mädels von 14 bis 19 Jahren. AroSpAce Für aromantische und aasexuelle Jugendliche von 14 bis 27 Jahre. Start Youth Organisation How to Find Us Our Organisation Board Team Administration Youth Leader Training Become a Member Honorary Members Downloads Partner Organisations Job Offers Pictures News Get in Touch Opening Hours Groups. JUNGS Your first visit Events Team History Social-Media Contact Jungs Jubiläum Summer Trip FAQ. About us Die JUNGS are an open youth group for gay, androsexual, bisexual and bi-curious young people aged Our meetings We usually meet every Friday eveningusually around 7pm in the diversity youth Gay Boys Junge Buben. We offer a variety of different events and activities, for example: Cooking together also under supervision Games Night also in larger groups, e. Mario Kart tournament Dinner in the Dark Reallife Mr. X Go-Kart Ice skating Leisure trips "Freizeitfahrt" We normally offer one or two leisure trips per year. You can also find this event in our diary or on Gay Boys Junge Buben poster in the youth centre. Wednesday evening is - diversity bar night Every Wednesday queer's and friends meet at the diversity bar! Every 4th Wednesday the JUNGS team is behind the bar! And who organizes all of that? The quick way to us: The best way to contact us is by email or via our contact form. DBNA, Facebook and Telegram. Counseling offered by our social pedagogues You have questions about sexual orientation or gender identity, need someone to talk to who will take you seriously and listen to you? Feel free to drop us a message! Füge das Event deinem Kalender hinzu!
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