Your diary date if set and watched status for this film will remain publicly visible if you change the privacy level of this entry. Add members to your Close Friends from their profile. Set your account default in Settings. Directed by Richard Levine. Ned is in the throes of a mid-life crisis. His work as a writer on an outrageous, semi-pornographic TV show is less than satisfying. His fifteen year old son has just told him he is gay and his eleven year old is afraid of, well pretty much everything. When his wife, Jeannie, moves her sick and embittered father from Detroit into their home in NY, it puts added stress on an already strained marriage. And when a sexy female co-worker puts the moves on Ned, the temptation sends him spiraling. Liev Schreiber Helen Hunt Carla Gugino Ezra Miller David Harbour Eddie Izzard Brian Dennehy Skyler Fortgang Tilky Jones Daniel Yelsky Daniel Farcher Chris Beetem Sabrina Hahn Michael H. Ingram Albert M. Miranda Bailey Matthew Leutwyler Michael Bederman. Romance Comedy Drama. But life is messy, so I can appreciate it from that perspective at least. As a story, it's Gay Grandpa In Public too all over the place to care all that much about any of it. There's too much going on and none of it is treated with any depth whatsoever. A focus on ny 1 or 2 of the multiple things going on in this flick could have made for a much better viewing experience. Review by skubru. Was uns zu schaffen macht, ist der Alltag. Three movies in one, with two storylines being completely standstill and the third being poorly resolved. Had a lot of potential but attempted too much which caused all of the plot lines to fall flat in the end. Also, he in all intents and purposes CHEATED and there are no repercussions at all? WHAT IS THIS FILM TRYING TO SAY?!?! It gets one start for one reason. Carla Gugino, who basically steals the scenes she's in and looks freaking fine while doing it. I wish her character was explored more because she really seems like a giant hot mess under all that confidence and free spirit and I would have liked to have seen more of that. So under used Gay Grandpa In Public again. Add film to your diary? Watched on. Contains spoilers A moderator has locked spoilers for this review. Tags Press Tab to complete, Enter to create. Privacy mode Help Default Anyone public Close Friends selected by you You private …. Anyone public. Close Friends selected by you. You private. Use account default. Draft entries are not public and do not count towards stats. Delete Save. Add to lists. Public Private. New list… Clear. Where to watch Trailer. Every Day Synopsis Not quite the party you signed up for Cast Liev Schreiber Helen Hunt Carla Gugino Ezra Miller David Harbour Eddie Izzard Brian Dennehy Skyler Fortgang Tilky Jones Daniel Yelsky Daniel Farcher Chris Beetem Sabrina Hahn Michael H.
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