Terms of Use - Legal Notice. Follow us on X. The FAQ answers practical questions that you can ask yourself using the site. A search engine is available. What are the colored dots in front of the pseudos? The dot is green when the member is online, orange if the member was recently online. What is the meaning of the small crown on the right of the pseudo? It simply means that the person has premium membership and that his album is visible without limits. If you have premium membership, you can choose to show or hide the crown in the settings part of the profile. I would like to delete the photos sent in the chat. In the chat, you can erase the photo at any time by clicking on the photo then to trash. If the person has blacklisted you, it will automatically delete any dialogs or photos sent during the chat, even if you are removed later from the blacklist. In the chat at any time you can delete a message by clicking on it then on the trash. If the person has blacklisted you, it automatically deletes any dialogue or photos sent during the chat, even if they unblacklist you afterwards. PrEP, which stands for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis, is a strategy for reducing the risk of contracting HIV based on the use of an antiretroviral drug to be taken when you may be exposed to a possible risk of contamination. How to turn off the sound when a message arrives? You can activate or deactivate the sound of message notifications to read in the my profile section then settings. I cannot find the profile that I have chatted with! The Member may just have deleted or suspended his profile or changed his pseudo. Or, he may have blacklisted you. The discreet mode, available on Menu, allow you to use The Blowers everywhere, on bus, train, etc. Try it to understand! The search is done by city, but the result displayed is within a radius of kilometers as the crow flies around the desired city. In the interest of confidentiality, members are voluntarily located in the city indicated on the profile by adding a random distance. However, when a member decides to manually modify his position on the map, it is this one that is taken into account. Is the payment for premium membership renewed Die Onlinefalle Gay Tube There is no subscription. Just choose the desired period: 1 month, 3 months, 1 year or 2 years. One payment without automatic renewal. It's up to you to send, if you wish, a new regulation for a new period. The name of the site will not appear on your bank statement. What is the meaning of the black star on the left side of the profile photos? The star means that you have put this profile in your favorites. How long is NEW new member notified on a Die Onlinefalle Gay Tube In your discussions, it is now possible to send your private photos and videos in an ephemeral way! Is a photo sent in the chat still visible if the member blacklists me? If the member has blacklisted you, it automatically erases any dialogue or photos sent during the chat, even if they subsequently un-blacklist you. I would like to remove a person from the blacklist! To un-blacklist, just go to the profile section then the blacklist tab or directly here. Be careful, when you blacklist someone, conversations and testimonials between you and the member are permanently deleted from both profiles. If you notice a language or translation error in your language, do not hesitate to send us a screenshot with the correction to be made by clicking here. Simply search for "The Blowers" on your mobile phone's search engine Safari, Google or Bingbe careful this is not an application but a site adapted to mobile format.
If you notice a language or translation error in your language, do not hesitate to send us a screenshot with the correction to be made by clicking here. Ich berichte in diesem Blogartikel von unseren Erfahrungen und verrate dir, wie du einen ausgelassenen Gay-Urlaub auf Kreta verbringen kannst! Mehr Infos auf der Website. Macht weiter so! Der Verein stellte den Betrieb der Domain am
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