VONNEGUT, JR. Published by np, np, Seller: Manhattan Rare Book Company, ABAA, ILABNew York, NY, U. Association Member: ABAA ILAB. Contact seller. Used Condition: Very Good. Within U. Quantity: 1 available. Custom box. Condition: Very Good. First edition. This collection of 12 letters, most of which are addressed to Vonnegut's father, brother Bernardsister-in-law Bowand family as a whole, chronicle the life, rise, and development of one of America's most beloved writers. Taken together, these letters - in which he begins to test the possibilities of a career in writing - are a unique glimpse into Vonnegut's psychic and writerly interior, and bubble with the experimentality, imagination, and distinctive prose that would define Vonnegut's most famous works in the decades to follow. Housed together in handsome archival case. Letters EARLY LIFE Early s "Kurt Vonnegut, whose dark comic talent and urgent moral vision in novels like "Slaughterhouse-Five," "Cat's Cradle" and "God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater" caught the temper of his times and the imagination of a generation" Dinitia Smith, New York Times. These first two letters are written by a young Kurt Vonnegut to his father. Born into a German American Midwest family inVonnegut's parents suffered enormously from the effects of the Great Depression; his father's renowned architecture firm got hit hard, and his mother succumbed to drug and alcohol abuse, eventually taking her own life in The Great-Depression-era pessimism--as well as Essen Gay Boy Extrablatt general climate of social and political unrest in which young Vonnegut came of age--would greatly influence the tenor of his writing. Although these letters were penned at a very young age, they still reflect the forms and attitudes that Vonnegut would make use of in his most famous books. His drawings, which appear in Letter 2 as well as in other places throughout this collection, Essen Gay Boy Extrablatt to the "open secret" that was Vonnegut's fine art career; not only did he create graphics for Slaughterhouse Fiveand Breakfast of Champions, but also he was a prolific doodler, as he used art to think through, plot, and develop much of his fiction "So It Goes": Drawings by Kurt Vonnegut, Johnson Museum of Art. Another aspect of note in these letters are his descriptions of insects, both his own "daddy long legs" and his sister Alice's "oscar bug. The apparent simplicity and ordinariness of his writing masks its efficient power. Letters were composed roughly around the time when Vonnegut had withdrawn from Cornell University to enlist in the Army. Reporting initially in March to Fort Bragg, North Carolina for basic training, Vonnegut then received instruction in mechanical engineering at the Carnegie Institute of Technology based in Pittsburgh, the location from which Letter 3 was written as well as the University of Tennessee referenced in Letter 6 as part of the Army Specialized Training Program ASTP. Due to the Army's need for soldiers to support the D-Day invasion, Vonnegut was sent home to Indiana to train in an infantry battalion, ultimately getting deployed in the end of - as he explains in Letter 8. What is most remarkable here is the emergence of a trademark Vonnegut style--short, pithy sentences, acerbic humor rendered in dialogue, the blending of vernacular and technical writing to offer commentary on war and the social order, the integration of song lyrics, headlines, Essen Gay Boy Extrablatt other pieces of pop culture--that would mark his post-war masterpieces and earn him the status of "literary idol" Dinitia Smith. It is evident in these letters that Essen Gay Boy Extrablatt meant Essen Gay Boy Extrablatt them to be a space of potential and provocation: he mentions first in Letter 4 that one of his friends has already remarked on his writing talent, and then in Letter 5 after presenting the first sketches of a story, reveals that he'd like to "try making a living" at comedic writing. Letters LIFE AFTER WAR "Aged veterans of the First World War had told Vonnegut that inwhen at this precise minute the gunfire and explosion had suddenly stopped, the silence sounded like the voice of God. Throughout his own career as a writer, he'd tried to give voice to the sentiments behind such memories of an ideal America. Letters were written shortly after Vonnegut's return to the United States. Letter 9 is a portal into Vonnegut's violent and vivid experience of war: inas a prisoner of war, Vonnegut experienced the firebombing of Dresden, Germany by Allied Forces. This personally transformative event would become the basis for one of Vonnegut's most celebrated works, the "story and structure of which became best-selling metaphors for the new age" Dinitia Smith : Slaughterhouse Five. Letter 9, written shortly after his return to the U. The following three letters, equally zippy and biting in tone, mark an important period of transition in Vonnegut's life. After marrying Jane Marie Cox whose life is vividly. Diamond Jenness; Vilhjalmur Stefansson. Publication Date: Seller: Open Boat BooksellersAmherst, MA, U. Association Member: ABAA. Used - Hardcover. Handwritten letter from Diamond Jenness accompanied by typewritten manuscript letter from Vilhjalmur Stefansson, both addressed to Henry E. Childs, who had recently visited the Pitmegea region of Alaska. Jenness' letter, dated Septemberreads in part: 'What you tell me about Barrow is happening over most of the Canadian Arctic also.
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