By signing up, you agree to our privacy policy. An account was already registered with this email. Please check your inbox for an authentication link. Your support helps TechNode continue to provide credible, on-the-ground Gay Dating Speed Dating Funktion and industry insights about the Chinese tech industry. Homosexuality is legal in the country, but LGBTQ people have no access to many legal rights such as marriage and discrimination protection. However, those social apps often provide a much-needed space for the community. Some apps have stopped operations; others paused for a while but managed to come back with new brandings. Launched inBlued is a dating app primarily for gay users. The app is available in 13 languages with over 60 million registered users inaccording to its official website. Similar to Grindr, Blued helps users find interesting matches nearby. The firm went public on Nasdaq in However, the firm has a hard time turning a profit. Its net loss has expanded BlueCity is also in the process of going private, according to a company statement sent to TechNode. Finka formerly known as Aloha is a Tinder-like dating app for gay users. Like Tinder, users can choose to like, dislike, or pass on algorithm-generated recommendations. Matched users can chat privately. Finka also offers live streaming features. Compared to Blued, Finka focuses more on young users. The app has a youthful user interface, allowing users to upload more profile pictures than Blued. The app is developed by Beijing Asphere Interactive Network Technology and acquired by BlueCity in Chinese in for RMB million, 36Kr reported. According to Qimai Data in Chinesethe app began to trend upwards from the end ofas its downloads grew threefold to 47, in December compared to numbers from November. Launched inthe L formerly known as Rela is a social platform for lesbian and bisexual female users. Unlike traditional dating apps, the L offers an Instagram-like social platform. The app also features a public voice chatroom section, with users able to talk together about a variety of topics under labels like dating, gaming, and casual chatting, similar to the model used by social audio companies like Clubhouse. Chinese startup Hangzhou Rilan Technology developed Rela, which was banned and pulled off from all app stores in June due to unknown reasons. Seven months later, the app came back online with new branding. LesPark is another dating app used by lesbians in China. It uses a model similar to Tinder and Finka. According to its official website, the app has over 12 million users globally. The app generally has a lot of the common dating app features, like speed matching, group Gay Dating Speed Dating Funktion, voice chat, live streaming, and an open platform for posts. One of the standout components of LesPark is the ability for users to start a random chat with strangers. Qingyuan Park Culture of Media, a Guangdong-based company established inowns the app. It also owns another reading app called Ji Hua Le Du featuring mostly lesbian-themed writings. The app combines book, film, and music reviews with a Reddit-like community, offering group functions for all kinds of interests and social activities. For example, the largest lesbian group on Douban has 69, members.
Top 5 Chinese LGBTQ apps in 2022
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