English Pages [] Year DOWNLOAD FILE. In this digital age the use of video in social science research has become commonplace. As sophistication has increased. Stay on top with the latest developments in scientific and technical journal publications! In Scholarly Communication in. Physarum polyccphalum is commonly referred to as a true slime mold, or myxomycete. Providing a basic foundation for the. This is the second volume of "A Course in Analysis" and it is devoted to the study of mappings between subsets. The basic structure of universities and colleges in Ontario - one focused primarily on expansion and greater access and. A series of nine introductory essays sets the process of annotating texts back into the various contexts from which the. Reimagining post-secondary education to meet the times. The book is published with open access at www. Cover image: Michael Ruml, Bergische Universität Wuppertal Typesetting: Michael Ruml and Frederik Schlupkothen, University of Wuppertal Printing and binding: CPI books GmbH, Leck. The realization of this undertaking would not have been possible without these institutions. Hamburg and Wuppertal, February Julia Nantke Frederik Schlupkothen Open Access. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4. In the twentieth century it has also become a central principle used in information technological systems. In the Humanities, the term traditionally refers to an additional contextualization and explanation of a text added by the author of the text, a different scribe or an editor. Therefore, annotations are equally objects and tools of research, since they build bridges between the Gay Feet Sir Vorix and the production of knowledge see Boot This also means that every annotation, no matter whether it is made for public or private use and whether it includes words and sentences, special characters or takes the form of just underlining and other markings, takes part in modelling the object for its further recipients — whether this is intended by the annotator or not. Furthermore, the notion can refer to structured keyword indexing or metadata descriptions, e. Thus, annotations Gay Feet Sir Vorix IT contain additional information Julia Nantke, Institut für Germanistik, Universität Hamburg Frederik Schlupkothen, School of Electrical, Information and Media Engineering, University of Wuppertal Open Access. In this context, the explanatory function of annotations aims at making a given text semantically accessible to a computer program in the first place. As these annotations usually follow a specific world conception, e. The Web Annotation Working Group of the World Wide Web Consortium W3C has made the attempt to consolidate the classic concept of human-targeted annotations with a technical model that adds a new layer to the web in order to interlink web resources with human-readable annotations by means of Semantic Web technologies Ciccarese et al. These web annotations are based on general linking standards that allow the creation of references to resources of various media types text, images, videos, etc. Both the Humanities and Technical Sciences use annotations to provide material with some sort of organizing framework to guide its further processing. It is precisely this conceptual overlap between the Humanities and the Technical Sciences that unfolds its heuristic potential in the context of the Digital Humanities. At the same time the multiplication of the conceptual range of annotations and the divergences in knowledge-building practices in the Humanities and in the Technical Sciences harbour a heightened potential for confusion. The progressively established use of digital methods in scholarly editions and research in the Humanities is changing annotation practices see Landow—; McCarty On the other hand, digital publications are integrated via metadata standards such as the Integrated Authority File of the German National Library GNDthe Guidelines for the Description of Personal Paper and Manuscript Collections RNA or the Functional Requirements for Bibliographical Records FRBR into extensive, centrally con- Introduction 3 figured networks by using annotations. In all these cases, annotations no longer serve merely as supplementary commentaries, but have a significant structuring effect on the appearance, perception and use of texts. Formalized ontologies decide how texts are sorted, how they can be searched and which parts of them are marked as relevant. Because of this omnipresence of annotations in digital environments, we need to reflect on their theoretical impact and relation to existing text theories that stem from the sphere of analogue publishing.
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