All All. Sign In. List activity. Rock Hudson. Actor Producer Soundtrack Giant Rock Hudson was born Roy Harold Scherer, Jr. He was of German, Swiss-German, English, and Irish descent. His parents divorced when he was eight years old. He failed to obtain parts in school plays because he couldn't remember lines. After high school he was a postal employee and during WW II served as a Navy airplane mechanic. After the war he was a truck driver. His size and good looks got him into movies. His name was changed to Rock Hudson, his teeth were capped, he took lessons in acting, singing, fencing and riding. One line in his first picture, Fighter Squadronneeded 38 takes. In he received an Oscar nomination for Giant and two years later Look magazine named him Star of the Year. He had a recurring role in TV's Dynasty He was the first major public figure to announce he had AIDS, and his worldwide search for a cure drew international attention. After his death his long-time lover Marc Christian successfully sued his estate, again calling attention to the homosexuality Rock had hidden from most throughout his career. Anthony Perkins. Actor Director Writer Psycho Anthony Perkins was born April 4, in New York City, to Janet Esselstyn Rane and Osgood Perkinsan Austin Wolf Und Tony Shore Gay of both stage and film. His father died when he was five. Anthony's paternal great-grandfather was engraver Andrew Varick Stout Anthony. He made his screen debut in The Actressand was nominated for a Best Supporting Actor Oscar Friendly Persuasion Four years later, he appeared in what would be his most noted role, Norman Bates in Psychomemorializing him into film history forever. Nathan Lane. Actor Producer Soundtrack The Producers He is married to his husband Devlin Elliott since Randy Harrison. Actor Producer Director Queer as Folk — Randy Harrison was born in Nashua, New Hampshire, USA and graduated high school in Atlanta, GA. Harrison began acting as a child eventually receiving a BFA from Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music. He is best known for his role as Justin Taylor in the Showtime series Queer as Folk Other film credits include Such Good People and Bang Bang You're Dead An accomplished theater actor, Harrison has appeared on Broadway in Wicked, off-Broadway at the Public Theater, Theatre for a New Audience, Primary Stages and Red Bull Theatre, as well as regionally at Yale Austin Wolf Und Tony Shore Gay Theater, The Guthrie Theater, Shakespeare Theatre DC amongst others. He is a founding member of the downtown New York theatre company QWAN Company. Harrison resides in Brooklyn, NY. Wilson Cruz.
Sagwan Philippinen — Regie: Monti Parungao. Jimmy Eat World - For me this is heaven 2. Latter Days Vereinigte Staaten — Regie: C. Sex, Party und Lügen Mentiras y gordas Spanien — Regie: Alfonso Albacete , David Menkes. The Delta Vereinigte Staaten — Regie: Ira Sachs. Happy Together Cheun gwong tsa sit Hongkong — Regie: Wong Kar-Wai.
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