Volker Sommer an Emeritus Professor of Evolutionary Anthropology. His research interests focus on the evolution of primate social and sexual behaviour, cognition, rituals, biodiversity conservation, animal rights and evolutionary ethics. Born into a farming community in Holzhausen am Reinhardswald, he grew up in a village situated in the oak forests of central Germany. Here, the Brothers Grimm had recruited native informants for their early 19th-century fairy tale collection. Animals possess human-like characteristics in these stories. As part and parcel of Volker Sommer's childhood, these narratives inspired him to pursue a career as a zoologist and ethologist. He studied biology, chemistry and protestant theology in Göttingen, Marburg, Hamburg and Berlin. Supervised by Christian Vogel, Sommer obtained his PhD in anthropology and his habilitation in anthropology and primatology at the Universität Göttingen, Germany. He received various early-career fellowships DAAD, Alexander-von-Humboldt-Foundation, DFG Habilitationsstipendium. During his time as a Heisenberg-Fellow of the German Research Council, Sommer was a Research Associate at the University of California in Davis, USA and at Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand Volker Sommer joined the Department of Anthropology, University College London in He developed the master programme in Human Evolution and Behaviour and, as a UCL Pro-Provost from —, the institutions International Strategy as "London's Global University". His research generated exemplary impact studies that contributed to the excellent ranking of the department in recent assessment exercises RAE, REF. Sommer's initial field study of animal behaviour focused on the eco-ethology of langur monkeys in Rajasthan, India - since as a doctoral student and afterwards as a post-doc. Personal highlights include residing for some years in a Shiva-temple. Here, he lived for several years at the edge of the Khao-Yai rainforest. Personal highlights include being set upon by a tiger - and surviving. The project evolved into one of the largest research and biodiversity conservation initiatives in West Africa www. Personal highlights comprise expeditions with rangers and local villagers to Mt. Gangirwal, West Africa's highest mountain — including a pioneering ascend through the montane jungles of its western escarpments. Volker Sommer serves on the boards of various journals and is the only scientist advising on both the "Section on Great Apes" and the "Section on Small Apes" of the International Union for Conservation of Nature IUCN. He was part of the steering committee of the London-based Centre for Ecology and Evolution and of various panels, e. Sommer is also a founding scientific board member of the German-based Giordano-Bruno Foundation for Evolutionary Humanismwhich promotes a scientific and secular worldview in the tradition of the Enlightenment www. Sommer has published several hundred articles - scientific as well as popular - and two dozen books, including novels and poetry. He is a renowned science journalist in German-speaking countries, regularly featured by major magazines and newspapers GEO, stern, natur, Die Zeit, Der Spiegel, FAZ, Die Welt, bild der wissenschaft, Spektrum der Wissenschaft, Weltwoche, Neue Zuercher Zeitung, Frankfurter Rundschau. Upon invitation, Sommer delivered more than scientific and public talks across the globe. His award-winning writings have been translated into English, Walloon, Polish, Italian, Spanish, Hindi, Korean, Japanese and Persian. As a widely respected opinion-maker, Sommer is a regular guest on radio and TV. He also wrote and read numerous radio segments and Facebook Profil Volker Hoffmann Gay various television documentaries. His U-tube clips exceed 70, views. The political magazine Cicero, in one of its latest rankings, counted Volker Sommer amongst the most influential intellectuals of the German-speaking world. His biography and philosophy was the subject of a TV documentary produced by the German-French culture channel ARTE in InSommer received the Gold Medal of the North of England Zoologic al S ociety for lifetime achievements in conservation-related research. Private passions include projects with contemporary artists; speed-walking marathons; seeking beatification while riding an almighty Harley; as well as performances with Tanzango, an ensemble dedicated to Tango Argentino. Curzon, Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, Princeton University Press, Berlin Verlag, Radius Verlag, BBC Radio 4, BBC Books, National Geographic. Consultancy on documentaries for British, German, Austrian, USA television stations as well as movie company Facebook Profil Volker Hoffmann Gay Kinokompanie Hark Bohm". Sommer, V. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology — Recent observations with a reconsideration of hypotheses. Primates Male competition and coalitions in langurs Presbytis entellus at Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India. Human Evolution 3: Agoramoorthy, Govindasamy; Surendra Mal Mohnot, V.
Tutorin der Übung zur Einführung in die Germanistische Literaturwissenschaft bei Prof. Markus Eck Prof. Meier, Bethan Morgan, David Morgan, Emily Neil, Sonia Nicholl, Emmanuelle Norman, Lucy Jayne Ormsby, Liliana Pacheco, Alex Piel, Jodie Preece, Martha Robbins, Aaron Rundus, Crickette Sanzv, Volker Sommer , Fiona Stewart, Nikki Tagg, Claudio Tennie, Virginie Vergnes, Adam Welsh, Erin G. Dr Claudia Martina — Das Platea u
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